As a person representing Hurricanes NC as a player, you must meet the following requirements in regard to your conduct during any activity held or sanctioned by St Albans/Caroline Springs Netball Association.
• Participate because you enjoy it, not just to please parents and coaches.
• Play by the rules: - Know the rules
• Participate fairly and safely.
• Abide by decisions, without argument or bad temper.
- Captains have the right to approach an umpire during an interval or after the game for clarification of any rule.
- Captains must approach the umpire in a courteous and polite way.
- Actions speak louder than words. Ensure that both on and off the court your behaviour is consistent with the principles of good sportsmanship.
• Cooperate with your coach and other players at all times.
- Verbal abuse of officials or other players is not acceptable or permitted.
- Treat all players as you would like to be treated.
- Ensure that at all times your behaviour is fair.
- Be a patient and enthusiastic supporter of fellow players.
• Applaud all good play, by your own team and opponents.
• Be a responsible team member.
- Always be on time. - Encourage and assist all players.
- Attend all training sessions.
- Ensure you always bring the appropriate uniform and equipment to training and/or matches.
- Care and respect the uniform and equipment provided to you.
• Do not engage in practices that affect sporting performance (alcohol, tobacco and drug use).
• Respect and acknowledge the contribution of those who create the opportunity for you to play.
- Volunteers (scorers, coaches, timekeepers, administrators and umpires)
• Refrain from any behaviour that may bring the Club into disrepute.
• Show concern and caution towards others who may be sick or injured.
• Report any grievances promptly to the team coach or the Netball Executive, to be dealt with confidentially using appropriate procedures.
• Understand the repercussions if you breach, or are aware of any breaches of this Code of Conduct.
As a parent/guardian of a player/participant in any activity held by or under the auspices of St Albans Netball Association, a member association or an affiliated club, you must meet the following requirements in regard to your conduct during any such activity or event:
1. Respect the rights, dignity and worth of others.
2. Remember that your child participates in sport for their own enjoyment, not yours.
3. Focus on your child’s efforts and performance rather than winning or losing.
4. Never ridicule or yell at your child and other children for making a mistake or losing
a competition.
5. Show appreciation for good performance and skilful plays by all players (including opposing players).
6. Demonstrate a high degree of individual responsibility especially when dealing with or in the vicinity of persons under 18 years of age, as your words and actions are an example.
7. Respect officials’ decisions and teach children to do likewise.
8. Do not physically or verbally abuse or harass anyone associated with the sport (player, coach, umpire and so on).
9. Respect the rights, dignity and worth of every young person regardless of their gender, ability, cultural background or religion.
10. Be a positive role model.
11. Understand the repercussions if you breach, or are aware of any breaches of, this code of behaviour.